Our practice in Hale, Cheshire is expanding. If you are an experienced tax professional and you’d like to join our team  – or you know someone suitable – please send a confidential email to Alison Spier in the first instance.

We have an exceptional list of loyal clients with multi-million turnover businesses. The majority of these companies have been working with us for many years and we are highly focused on building long term, meaningful relationships.

We are growing our team and have created this new Tax Senior Manager role. Part-time will also be considered for the right candidate. 

Suitable candidates will have experience working in a fast-paced accountancy practice, dealing with clients both face to face and over the phone, advising them on a variety of tax issues, including corporation tax, including R&D, & CGT. You must be able to demonstrate exceptional client relationship skills, and have an approachable, professional manner. Experience with income tax, IHT & SDLT would also be extremely useful.

As part of MGI Worldwide, the global accounting network, you will also join the Tax Forum, enabling you to network with peers from other practices across the UK and worldwide. International tax conferences are also organised by MGI Worldwide and you will join delegations to these when they occur.

If you feel that your experience is a good fit and you are looking for a modern accountancy practice – based in Grade A offices in the heart of Hale – to develop your career, and you would like to find out more, please email Alison Spier with your updated CV and details of your current package.


Alexander Knight & Co is an equal opportunities employer and no terminology in this advert is intended to discriminate on the grounds of a person’s gender, marital status, race, religion, colour, age, disability or sexual orientation.

All candidates will only be assessed in accordance with their merits, qualifications and abilities to perform the role expected. Only successful applicants will be invited to the next stage consisting of an interview and assessment.

Following changes to Government policies since the original ‘Mini Budget’ we’ve updated our Mini-Budget Report. You can download it here.


We’re growing our practice in Hale, Cheshire. If you’re an experienced tax professional and you’d like to join our team, send a confidential email to Alison Spier to arrange an informal chat about the role.

We have an exceptional list of loyal clients with multi-million turnover businesses. The majority of these companies have been working us for many years and we are highly focused on building long term, meaningful relationships.

We are now looking to grow our practice.We have vacancies for a Tax Manager/Senior Tax Manager. 

Suitable candidates will be experienced working in a fast-paced accountancy practice, dealing with clients both face to face and over the phone, advising them on a variety of tax issues, including corporation tax, including R&D, & CGT. A mixed tax background would also be of interest. You must be able to demonstrate exceptional client relationship skills, and have an approachable, professional manner.

As part of MGI Worldwide, the global accounting network, you will also join the Tax Forum, enabling you to network with peers from other practices across the UK and worldwide. International tax conferences are also organised by MGI Worldwide and you will join delegations to these when they occur. 

We will consider full time or part time, (including term time contracts), and would consider a hybrid working model for the right candidate.

If you feel that your experience is a good fit and you are looking for a modern accountancy practice based in Grade A offices in the heart of Hale to develop your career and would like to know more please email Alison Spier with your updated CV and details of your current package.


Alexander Knight & Co is an equal opportunities employer and no terminology in this advert is intended to discriminate on the grounds of a person’s gender, marital status, race, religion, colour, age, disability or sexual orientation.

All candidates will only be assessed in accordance with their merits, qualifications and abilities to perform the role expected. Only successful applicants will be invited to the next stage consisting of an interview and assessment.

PS – no agencies, thank you.


We are pleased to have extended our specialist tax advisory service by forming a strategic alliance with a fellow MGI Worldwide member firm.

Freestone Jacobs is a leading specialist tax advisory firm founded by Paul Taylor together with Allison Walker. Paul in particular has over 35 years of experience as a Chartered Accountant and a Chartered Tax Advisor and will enhance the strategic planning for clients in a range of scenarios including mergers, acquisitions and restructuring.

Murray Patt, founder of Alexander Knight & Co, said:

“There is a natural fit between our two practices as a result of us both being member firms of MGI Worldwide, the global network of accountants. It means that as our client base grows, both in terms of size and sophistication, we can be confident that we are continuing to provide the appropriate level of tax specialism that our clients both need and expect from us.

“We’re being innovative and ambitious with our growth and development in 2022 and we’re dedicated to working with and hiring the best people in the accountancy marketplace. We’re enjoying working with Paul and Allison and we’re looking forward to building on this relationship to bring the benefits of their experience to our range of entrepreneurial clients.”

Paul Taylor, founder of Freestone Jacobs, said:

“Allison and I are delighted to be working with Murray and his colleagues and look forward to providing a bespoke solution to the particular requirements of the Alexander Knight & Co clients, as they undertake significant business transactions or transformation. We’ve already formed a good working relationship and it helps that we have the same vision for providing the accountancy expertise required by the modern business owner.”

If you – or your client – requires specialist tax advice involving a merger, acquisition or restructure or other significant business transaction – contact us now on (0161) 980 8788 or email murray@alexanderknightacountants.co.uk

Murray Patt of Alexander Knight & Co

Coronavirus tax credits for business

Coronavirus tax credits should be introduced for businesses that suffer from the impact of coronavirus – as well as more measures to assist SMEs.

The Italian government has introduced tax credits for businesses effected by coronavirus and tax experts say the UK should follow suit to lessen the impact for SMEs.

The Government has now announced an action plan which includes help for businesses. In our view, this should include tax credits for firms who have been hit especially hard like in Italy where firms who see a 25% drop in revenue as a result of the virus can secure further tax breaks.

Impact on business

We are in uncharted waters with regards to the impact of the virus on UK businesses. We know that the FTSE100 has been volatile but we also need to look at the impact on SMEs who are the backbone of the economy.

Tax credits should be introduced for firms who get hit hard and they should be announced in the Budget next week. With companies doing their very best to take precautions to protect their staff we must give SMEs all the support and confidence they need.

electric car tax guide accountants uk

Rising demand for electric cars amongst our business owner client base – coupled with new tax breaks means we launched the UK’s first dedicated electric car tax accountancy service – back in 2020.

Now, in 2023, our electric car service is popular as increasing numbers of our clients enjoy the generous tax breaks offered to company owners who use electric vehicles on the road.

Electric company car owners will pay hardly any benefit-in-kind on certain fully-electric vehicles, compared to as much as 37 percent on vehicles with high CO2 emissions.

Electric Car Tax Savings

As a result of this, premium electric vehicles could save business owners £1000s – compared to traditional vehicles.

Luxury models such as the Mercedes-Benz EQC, Audi E-Tron, together with Porsche and Range Rover variants follow the success of the Tesla Model 3 which is already considered to be a cult company car for British sales executives

Company cars have been deeply unfashionable for more than a decade now. In that time, most business owners have understood that they were better off buying a car personally and then claiming the associated expenses.

Electric cars are a game changer for the humble company car. The new tax breaks laid out by the Government have reversed this trend and we predict there will be an upward swing in demand for electric vehicles, not least from business owners but also socially responsible fleet managers in the business world.

murray patt electric car tax accountant

Murray Patt of Alexander Knight & Co charges up his own electric car.

Huge tax savings

One client of ours saw more than £10,000 knocked off his tax bill because he plumped for the Range Rover hybrid model over the diesel version.

With these tax breaks about to kick in, more e-charging points being installed across the country, improvements to the range of electric engines and a steady fall in the price we are predicting a renaissance of the company car.

Get your FREE electric car tax guide here.

Download our electric car tax guide for entrepreneurs and business owners.

Download our FREE electric car tax guide for entrepreneurs and business owners.

Watch our video about electric car tax breaks for company directors:

If you are a business owner and you want to get a tax-free electric car – speak to us first and we will help you. Call us on 0161 980 8788 or email cars@alexanderknightaccountants.co.uk  

From 1st April 2019, if you are VAT registered and have a turnover of more than £85,000 then the making tax digital (MTD) scheme for VAT will be mandatory.

If you are eligible you must join the scheme and if, for whatever reason, your turnover falls below the £85,000 threshold you must stay on the scheme and cannot revert to the old way of submitting returns – unless you deregister or become exempt for MTD.

If you qualify then you will need to change the way you file your VAT return with HMRC starting for your VAT period starting after the 1st April 2019:

  • If your VAT quarter end is March then your first MTD submission will be June 19
  • If your VAT quarter end is April then your first MTD submission will be July 19
  • If your VAT quarter end is May then your first MTD submission will be Aug 19

The new regime means that HMRC will receive the same VAT return information as before, but it needs to be sent by an API (electronic) link to HMRC and can’t be typed in manually via online services.

VAT frequency and payment deadlines will remain the same as will eligibility for VAT special schemes.

When filing your return, the transactions that make up the return need to be kept digitally, this can be done using an accounting software package or by using spreadsheets.

Some software accounting packages that are up to date will have the API link required already in (SAGE ONE for example) so you will just need to send your return via the software package.

However, some older versions and spreadsheets won’t have this capability and therefore two options are available:

  • Upgrade your software for the latest version with the API link. This may not be practical, or possibly cost prohibitive.
  • Use our software to send the data to HMRC. We have already invested in the new software to enable our clients to maintain their existing VAT return process in a compliant way.

If you have any questions about ‘making tax digital’ and what it means for your business, speak to Jane Marquez in our team and she will help you make the transition.

Clare Bradbury and Murray Patt of Alexander Knight & Co accountants

We are delighted to have boosted our team of accountants in Hale with the appointment of experienced tax specialist Clare Bradbury.

Clare is an experienced tax specialist and will advise our SME clients on tax planning issues as well as guiding company directors on tax issues during and after a corporate transaction. During her career she has worked at EY, KPMG and Mazars in Manchester.

There is high demand for specialist tax advice in the region and we are delighted to have appointed Clare to our team. We are confident that our clients, who range from fast-growth businesses to seasoned entrepreneurs will be well served by her specialist tax skills.

Clare Bradbury (pictured above with our founder Murray Patt) said:

I’m delighted to join the team and I’m looking forward to working with our clients to make sure their tax position works effectively for their business at whatever stage it is at in its lifecycle.

Clare Bradbury, tax specialist at Alexander Knight & Co.

Welcome to the team Clare!

Investors’ Relief (‘IR’) is a relatively new tax relief available to investors who sell shares in unlisted trading companies.

This tax relief shares many similarities with Entrepreneurs’ Relief (‘ER’) – under both reliefs there is a 10% capital gains tax rate available (as opposed to 20% for higher rate taxpayers) & both have a lifetime limit of up to £10 million.

On the basis of the above then there doesn’t appear to be a need for IR!

However, we have recently advised on a number of transactions where the shareholder group included a number of investors who held less than 5% of the company  – making them ineligible for ER. This is where IR comes in.

Investors’ relief doesn’t require a minimum shareholding, & therefore a 10% capital gains tax relief is still possible, with the appropriate planning & advice.

IR applies to new ordinary shares issued on or after 17 March 2016. The relief requires that shares are held continuously for three years – in other words the first IR claim will be made in the 2019/20 tax year…..so now is the time to plan for this, given that it’s only a few months away.

There are a few other simple rules to follow on IR – the most notable one being that the investor should not be a paid employee of the investing company, although they can act as a director of the company.

IR may also provide a ‘next best alternative’ to the other excellent tax reliefs available: Enterprise Investment Scheme (‘EIS’) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (‘SEIS’).

Whilst EIS/SEIS may offer more tax benefits, there are several conditions which must be met in order to qualify, & as a result these options may be too cumbersome for some investors.

IR can also be treated as a top-up to ER i.e. having 2 x £10 million of gains by utilising both tax reliefs.

The team at Alexander Knight & Co is hugely experienced in advising on capital gains tax cases.

If you’d like a second opinion, or just some idea of which options could work for you then contact Murray Patt.