Tag Archive for: MIDAS

As members of MGI Worldwide, we are always happy to push the virtues of doing business in the UK – and within our own region of Greater Manchester in particular. 

MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 international accounting network of independent audit, tax and accounting firms, which brings together the expertise of some 10,000 professionals in over 100 locations around the world. Our membership enables us to keep abreast of important new developments, while providing a seamless international service to any of our clients looking for support abroad.

Through MGI Worldwide, our firm benefits from connections with people we get to know and trust in all corners of the globe.

With a strong regional and international presence in almost 100 countries, MGI Worldwide with CPAAI is organised into eight geographic regions – AfricaAsiaAustralasiaEurope, Latin AmericaMiddle East & North AfricaNorth America and UK & Ireland – each with their own management and regional activities to foster growth and collaboration.

That’s why we’re getting ready (with the support of MIDAS, Manchester’s inward investment agency, which has provided us with lots of incredible data, statistics and insights about the business opportunities in Greater Manchester) to deliver a presentation to member firms from across the globe. Watch this space for further details when a date is secured.

International links at Alexander Knight & Co

We can help you to make your international business a success. MGI Worldwide is a quality controlled network and, like all member firms, we are subject to review of our quality assurance systems and procedures against international standards. We’ll be very pleased to support you with trading in the UK – or trading in other countries around the world.

If you are an international business looking to relocate to the UK – or launch a UK subsidiary – email Murray Patt now.