A new website

Welcome to our new website.  We thought long and hard about what we wanted our website to do and say. Then, we talked to our clients to see what they wanted. We hope you like it. We’ve kept it clean and simple and improved the usability of it.

Everything from the layout, the copywriting and design elements are all intended to convey our own personality and highlight the key things that our clients need. It’s easier to find our contact details, find out more about our approach and our people.

As well as being more efficient at the back-end (which means it’s simpler and faster for us to update) it’s also built with ‘Google love’ in mind. This means it’s quicker than our previous site and should be found ore easily on the search engine results pages. It also works on multiple devices, so it works just as well on your iPhone or iPad as your PC or MacBook.

Businesses have to evolve. If you stand still your competitors will seize the advantage. Having a modern, accessible web presence is important to our practice. It means clients can more easily get what they need, prospects and professional advisors can see what we’re all about in an instant. It’s also better for our future employees as we grow our business – to give them insight into our culture and approach to work.

We hope you like our new website. Special thanks to Sugar PR our wonderful marketing and PR agency in Manchester who designed and developed the site.

  • Check out our people here
  • Look for our core services here
  • Apply for our latest vacancies here
  • Sign up to our e-newsletter here for the latest events, tips and articles
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