Tag Archive for: ICAEW

We are pleased to announce that Murray Patt, founder of Alexander Knight & Co has been named as one of the UK’s leading accountancy influencers by the ICAEW as part of its annual #ICAEWRoar campaign.

The top UK online influencers were chosen using a formula tailored to emphasise quality over quantity. Using its values of integrity, objectivity and respect for others as a starting point the algorithm is unique to ICAEW.


The ICAEW focused on UK-based individuals tweeting and discussing accountancy related topics such as accountancy, tax, budget, assurance, insolvency, audit and finance.

The ICAEW’s values of integrity, objectivity and respect for others were applied to the tone of voice of the tweets and retweets, determining the data it included in its metrics.

Working with Falcon it used a social media listening tool to pull data relevant to specific keywords, looking at a metrics comprising of:

  • Audience re-tweets;
  • Author tweets;
  • Positive and neutral sentiment
  • Visibility and audience relevance.


The #ICAEWROAR algorithm values quality over quantity. Placing more emphasis on topical engagement of the authors’ tweets than the amount they’ve tweeted, the algorithm considers everything from visibility, relevance and tone of voice, to reaction and audience engagement Read more on the ICAEW’s website here.

Congratulations to everyone who made the list!

You can follow Murray Patt on twitter here: https://twitter.com/MurrayPatt